What is the easiest way to match Rubiks Cube ?

What is the easiest way to match Rubik's Cube ?

There is no easy way to solve a Rubik's Cube. Quickly solve the Rubik's Cube by those who (speedsolver) actually memorize some familiar formulas, and use them to move the cube from one position to another.

This formula has to be "memorized" by memorizing it and applying it over the cube repeatedly and without looking. After seeing the appearance of the cube and applying the exact formula one after the other, the cube is solved. If you want to read this formula, look at this image -

Each back of the cube is represented by a single letter of the English alphabet (Left-Right, Front-Back, and Up-Down initials), and a clockwise twist (90 degrees) is counterclockwise. F 'is used in place of F to mean rotation in reverse.

That is, RUR'U 'means one twist on the right back, one twist on the upper back, one twist on the front back, and finally one twist on the upper back.

But if you really want to learn to solve, not speed-solving - solving slowly like a puzzle - there's a different way. If you have a lot of time on hand, and you want to get the pleasure of solving it, then read the rest or go here

Print out the formula, and memorize it like reading Namata.

If you do not want to memorize (or even after memorizing), go ahead and learn.

First of all, recognize the cube. It is a 3x3x3 cube, geometrically it has twenty-seven tiny cubes, one of them in the center of the cube, which is invisible. And six monochromatic small cubes attached to that center (centerpiece)). Each twist of the cube revolves around one of them, they do not change places. Six is ​​equal to seven, the remaining twenty can change the place of small cubes.

Not only this, with the help of this tricycle there are eight triangular miniature cubes, which are located in the corners (corner pieces). And twelve two-colored miniature cubes, located between the two corners (edge or azpis).

The center piece never moves under any circumstances, and the corner and edge can never change places. That is, the corners move with each other, so do the edges.

Clear? Quite the next lesson this time.

If we hold the Rubik's Cube and twist it a few times, and then twist it in the opposite direction, the cube will return to where it was. That is, if we assume that a b c is a series of turns, and a b c is their counterpart, then a c c c b a will return the cube to its previous state.

So (a b c) is a replica of this twisted tradition (c 'b' a ').

Pretty? This time take the cube in hand and twist it to see what happens. You will see that almost the whole cube is one, but a few small cubes have changed places.

See also with a b a 'b'. Less change. Note that the RU'R'U described earlier is such a move.

And yes, good thing. If the two backs are not opposite to each other, then the AB'A'B move can be caught with any two backs A and B, it is called a lambda or generator. When this move is made six times, the cube returns to where it was. This move is so important that Cubans call this RUR'U 'move a sexy move
. Another variant of this Lambder is the Sledgehammer and its counterpart, the Hedgeslammer.

This is your theory. The first is conjugate, the second is commuter. If you want to manipulate a little while keeping the whole cube unchanged, these two are your tools.

Let me just give you some additional information, perhaps not to mention that in the previous examples, it is easy to understand the four turns (quarter turn of a face) on one side of a cube, etc., but it is not difficult to understand the combination of complex twists. Note the inverse of the empty twist tradition.

While this may seem unbelievable, it can only be solved by moving the lambda and the cube side by side, with different combinations of lambdars, and with different lambdar combinations.

Buss, always discover new rice, a couple of weeks will be the solution.

Take a look at another method:

Many of us have probably dealt with this particular 3D Puzzle. Again many may have seen it in someone else’s hands. This beautiful looking object is called Rubik's Cube. It was invented in 1974 by the Hungarian architect Professor Ernő Rubik. Then it was named Magic Cube. It was later renamed in 1980. Named after the discoverer - Rubik's Cube. However, the name Magic Cube is still common.
The history of Rubik's Cube is well known. Let's have some fun. For those who have a Rubik's Cube, there is a question. Have you ever matched the cube? (Without learning). For those who do not have a cube, if they think this is a difficult task, the cube must match at some point! Those who are thinking like this, will soon realize whether it is possible at all. Rubik's Cube is actually a combination of 26 small cubes, called cubes or cubelets. These include 8 center cubes or center pieces, 12 edge pieces and 6 corner pieces. With the exception of 6 center pieces, everyone can change their position. But there are some issues here. Edge pieces can never be in the corner or corner pieces can never be in the middle.
Now, let's talk about the layout of this famous cube. 6 corner pieces of Rubik's Cube! Can be arranged in ways. Again, each corner piece has 3 colors, which means that each corner piece can create 3 different layouts in a specific position. Therefore, for color variation, its format number will be 3: 8. That is, only the corner pieces can be arranged in ৮! X3 ^ ৮ way. Similarly, the edge pieces can be arranged in 12! X2 ^ 12 ways. Center pieces are out of consideration because their position is unchanging. So what we're getting is that a Rubik's Cube can be arranged in a total of 6! X3 ^ xx12! X2 ^ 12 = 519,024,039,293,8,282,000 (approximately 519 quintillion) ways! [1 quintillion = 10 ৮ 17] Wait, the account is still pending. Because it is never possible to get all the possible formats by turning the Rubik's Cube. The reasons for this are-
1. It is never possible to legally turn a cube and invert its edge piece. So in this case 1/2 part of the total layout of the edge pieces will be correct.
2. A corner piece can never be turned upside down by turning a cube. As a result, 1/3 of the total layout of the corner pieces will be correct.
3. The reciprocal position of any two cubes or pieces cannot be changed. This means that an edge piece of a certain color cannot be replaced by an edge piece of another color. Similarly, a corner piece in a certain position cannot be placed in another corner. In this case 1/2 part will be the correct parity of QB format.
(The above works can never be done in a legal way. But if you open the pieces and do these forbidden things, then of course there is something else. In that case, let me tell you one thing, in this case you can't match the cube in life.)
(৮! X3 ^ 8x12! X2 ^ 12) / 2x3x2 = 43,252,003,284,489,656,000 (approximately 43 quintillion)
Out of these 43 quintile formats, only one format has the cube matched. So the chance to solve Rubik's cube by chance is -
(1) / (43,252,003,284,489,858,000) = 0.000000000000000000000002312
This is such a small number that it can be considered as zero. So the probability of solving Rubik's cube by chance is 0, which is completely impossible. So if you think about it, the cube will match at some point in the rotation - something like that will never happen.
Let me give you one more interesting piece of information. It would take 1,400 trillion years to create all the possible layouts of the Rubik's Cube once every second, whereas the universe is only 14 billion years old!
The Rubik's Cube was originally invented by mathematics. Rubik's Cube is also used to explain many aspects of mathematics. It is used to explain formatting, parity, group theory, Lagrange's theorem, Cayley Graphs, superflip and many more. Rubik's cube solution has also come out through mathematics.
There are several methods used to solve Rubik's Cube. Of these, Layer by Layer method, Corner First method, Fridrich method (CFOP), Roux method, Petrus method, Waterman method, Heise method are particularly noteworthy. Rubik's Cube is a popular puzzle game in the world. Currently the world record for the Rubik's Cube (single) is held by Mats Valk of the Netherlands. He set the record in just 5.55 seconds. Australia's Feliks Zemdegs (6.54 seconds) also holds the world record for the Rubik's Cube (average). Our country has not yet made Cuba of international standard. However, we are hopeful that within the next two years, some international standard Cubans will come out of Bangladesh.
Very few people in the world can match Rubik's Cube. You also try to be among those few people. And for those of you who call Rubik's Cube Melano a 'children's game', don't try to match it once! Have a lot of fun !!
1. Mathematics of the Rubik’s Cube by W. D. Joyner
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubik’s_Cube

Rubik's Cube Matching Formula:

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